Monday, December 15, 2008

One-Hundred Posts.

Wilt Chamberlain's achievement of scoring 100 points in a game, will likely never be duplicated. But your bloggers favourite basketball blog has achieved a mini-milestone of sorts, as today is the 100th post on All Balls Don't Bounce. Really the genesis of this blog was some therapeutic self serving way to flex my hoops knowledge, not to get props or get on radio or TV shows, or in magazines. So to all of those that have commented or showed your support in any way, it has been greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, every time I want to just log out of my gmail and go to bed, I know that somebody, somewhere is actually curious about what I will write next.

So thanks, and here's to 100 more posts.


Heyhomee said...

Congrats!! Isn't that you on the Mark's Work Wearhouse commercial?? Just kidding!!

Ms. Gibbs-Watson said...

Congrats!! 100 ain't nothing, with the way you're going it will be a thousand before you know it.. But in all honesty, your blog is entertaining!
Keep up the insightful work!!